Law School Acceptances
University of Richmond students in recent years have been accepted to a wide range of law schools, including, among many others:
Boston University Law School
University of California at Berkeley Law School
University of California at Los Angeles Law School
University of Chicago Law School
Columbia University School of Law
Cornell Law School
Duke University School of Law
Emory University School of Law
Fordham University School of Law
George Washington University Law School
Georgetown University Law Center
Harvard Law School
Indiana University School of Law
University of Michigan Law School
University of Minnesota Law School
New York University School of Law
University of North Carolina Law School
University of Notre Dame Law School
University of Pennsylvania Law School
University of Richmond School of Law
University of Southern California Law School
University of Texas School of Law
Vanderbilt Law School
University of Virginia School of Law
University of Washington School of Law
Washington University in St. Louis Law School
Washington and Lee University Law School
William and Mary Law School
Yale Law School