Contact Pre-Law Advising
The University of Richmond’s Pre-Law Advisor is Dr. Jan French, associate professor of anthropology. Dr. French practiced international business law in Brazil, and corporate law in the United States (including on Wall Street) for fifteen years (J.D. University of Connecticut, 1981) before attending graduate school at Duke University in Cultural Anthropology (Ph.D., 2003). As a legal anthropologist, Dr. French focuses on the intersection of law and ethno-racial identity, legal pluralism, and comparative constitutional law in the Americas.
Dr. French teaches several of the undergraduate law-related courses offered at the University of Richmond, including: Anthropology of Human Rights (ANTH 328), Law and Order: The Anthropology of Justice (ANTH 335), and Business and Morality: Qualities into Quantities (cross-listed ANTH 379/BUAD 369).
Students interested in prelaw are encouraged to email Dr. French at jfrench@richmond.edu to schedule a meeting. To receive the most up-to-date prelaw advising information and announcements please sign up for the prelaw advising listserv.